
Performer • Tarot Reader • Storyteller


Performer • Tarot Reader • Storyteller


( make art, not war)

a blog for heroes, inner travellers, creatives and nice human beings

Hello reader, how is going life?

Today’s topic is one of my fav, because we get our hands dirty as we are going to craft with words.
More specifically, today we channel our emotions into the material world with a creative act.

This process is excellent for your well-being so take it into consideration for any time from now onward.

writing creative act
making a creative act with photographer Michela Ruffo

1. Connect and access to the right area

As the aim is to get deeper to express the more subtle layers of yourself: let’s connect!

(To what, Giulia?)
To those areas of your being who need to speak up.
We are multi-layered individuals and our inner geography is also made by “zones” which are often hidden to the light of our rationality.

Every creative process happens within your body (your “mind” is a piece of the body as well if you were thinking about it). 
My offline regular writing lessons are usually 80% physical work. Odd? Not really.

Luckily, to connect with the most authentic side of yourself, you need simple actions which bring your awareness to the present moment (and to your physical body).

Thus, find a moment for meditating, focusing or settling in with your own terms.

Aily Torres on Unsplash

2. Set your space

Make sure to create a good environment because, although discomfort can be a good starting point for personal growth (as we have discussed in a previous article), there is no point in denying to yourself a nice and cosy atmosphere. To this end:

p.s a new article will come utterly on to this topic! You want to make sure to get it, join me with Positive Inputs, my monthly newsletter where I share even more inputs and inspirations.

3. Choose your tools

Surround your location with several pencils, pens, colours, papers to be as creative as you wish. It does not matter whether you’ll use one or all of them, it is just nice and smart to have many choices

Oh, yes! I was forgetting that you can use digital tools too. For instance, I do love keyboard sound under my fingertips!

creative writing
Kale Glenn on Unslpash

4. Go with the flow and knock out your inner killjoy

Write. Draw. 
Don’t think about the punctuation or the meaning: the weirdest the better.
Just open your emotional tap and let everything flow out of you.

You might face the old killjoy telling you that:
“what the hell are you doing?” or “you can’t write, man!” or “leave it!”.

Well, the poor killjoy is just part of the game. As we spoke earlier, in another article: identify your obstacle and deal with it!

5. check your feelings

How do you feel after writing? 
Stay focused, reader, and dedicate a little extra time to this moment for listening. 
Remember that repetitions make results and creative writing is made by recurring appointment with yourself.

In this article, there is free journal to download that you can definitely use as an exercise to improve your patience.

Let me know how is going, I really care about you. I am glad to follow your steps.
I see you in two Wednesday, and rise the vibe up!

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A shower of gratitude will be on you as soon as you share it!

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Positive Inputs - Giulia Buvoli
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